Our goal is a sustaining partnership—supplier, manufacturer and customer— for the long-term protection and preservation of our environment for future generations. To achieve this vision, we are dedicated to ensuring the health and well-being of all our partners, reducing negative impact on the environment, and maintaining price structure by increasing efficiencies and reducing consumption.
Natural Finish Disclaimer: Woodcraft offers a natural finish on a variety of wood species. The natural finish is designed to be translucent so it in no way hides or masks the natural characteristics of the selected wood species. Like a fingerprint, each piece of wood within a species is unique. These characteristics include differences in color, grain configuration and texture. Maple and Cherry species have a high degree of uneven distribution of grain leading to natural variations within a single piece and further variations from piece to piece. Woodcraft does not consider these natural characteristics as defects, and therefore, products will not be replaced because of them. In addition, lighter finishes may discolor and darken when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Due to the natural characteristics of exposed wood with a natural finish, these products are not seen as defective and will not be replaced due to these circumstances.
Matching Finish Disclaimer: Due to characteristics of wood, environmental effects and material upgrades, we cannot guarantee exact finish matches on existing furniture previously ordered from Woodcraft. If an exact match is required, it must be specified so that proper procedures can be followed to ensure an acceptable finish. We will accept no liability for the finish if this procedure is not followed. We reserve the right to make changes in a finish formula if we believe the changes will improve the quality or appearance of our furniture.
Special Finishes: Woodcraft is able to match custom finishes to your specifications. Upcharges and written approval are required.
Samples: The finishes represented here are provided as a color guideline. For actual samples contact Woodcraft at (630) 984‑4703.